At Work (v1)
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 Lisa hard at work on PET
 Jiro working on cell experiments
 Jay working in the hot cell with manipulators
 View of Jay from inside the hot cell
 Craig checking in on labbies
 Charles and Suzanne doing ex vivo work
 Hua and Jay sharing the hood
 Don’t forget shoe covers on the way into the vivarium
 Xiaowen at his desk
 Charles back in his grad student days
 Hua, Jay, Lisa and Kate in Montreal ’09


 IEEE Toronto 2007
 SMI San Francisco 2003


 Another Group Shot in San Juan
 Paul at work (not watching a 3D movie)
 Paul in the Machine Shop
 Heather and Kate and lab renovations
 Lisa and Julie stopping for a picture
 Kate at her desk before the twins were born
 Lisa, Juliana, and Julie having a cookie break in the office